Condo Unit Owners

Your very own
charging station at your parking spot

Evolute performs condo charging station installation for your electric vehicle so that you can keep your vehicle charged and ready to go. We feature EV Charging Stations from today’s top manufacturers including FLO, Bosch, Tesla, SunCountryHigway, EVduty, EVBox and more.

Expert Electricians

Our team of certified electricians has years of experience in EV charging installations for commercial and multi-residential condos. We’ve completed hundreds of projects with the highest standard of excellence to satisfy every one of our clients.

Level 2

Level 2 charging stations utilizes a 240 volt AC power source with the result being significantly faster charging times than you’ll get with a level 1 charger. With a level 2 charging station, it will only take 3 to 8 hours to fully charge your battery.

On-Site Analysis

We provide free on-site analysis to gather information and determine the best route to installing the charger. Once complete, our evaluation report will help you select what kind of installation best fit your needs.

Industry Low Pricing

Our Evolute system allows us to provide the best pricing in the industry while maintaining the most excellent quality of installations.

Our Partners

Industry leading service

When you choose the licensed electricians and electric vehicle experts at Evolute for your residential EV Charging Station installation you’re choosing the company more Ontario residents trust than any other for their EV Charging Station needs.

Get Started Today

Once the above steps have been completed, a board meeting should be scheduled to present the findings and review various solutions.

Request An Estimate

Please fill out the form below and tell us about your project, the more details we have, the more accurate the estimate will be.
Condo Owner Estimate

At Evolute Power we specialize in smart, controlled, and monitored power distribution. We focus on Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for single dwelling, multi-residential and commercial buildings.

Our goal is to design and build infrastructure that grows with the needs of the end-users and administrators in a perpetually changing environment. The process all starts with a plan; we determine the needs of the application and assess the infrastructure and capacity to evaluate potential solutions. We work closely with utilities, inspection authorities and our customers to ensure that they are educated and aware of the many options and price points of an expandable system.

Evolute has its own in-house teams of electricians, engineers, auditors, and project managers, ensuring smooth and controlled implementation of any size system.

Contact Us